Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Here is a just a small sample of health conditions that Power-and Solarstrips can be used for:

                           Marinephytoplankton give us 90% of the Oxygen on earth.
                                   No Phyto no life !
              • Obesity — help boost metabolism and give cells more energy, thereby facilitating weight loss

Memory Loss — break through the Blood Brain Barrier, thereby reaching the deepest glands in the brain, which can help to stimulate neurotransmitter production and increase brain function and memory
Diabetes – alleviate mineral deficiency in the bloodstream, thereby helping to restore normal glucose levels. 
Faster Healing Time — accelerate cellular repair, thereby enabling the body to heal itself more rapidly
Neurological Disorders — deliver important nervous-system repair agents such as phospholipids, DHA and EPA, thereby helping to reconstruct the protective sheathing around nerve cells, which rejuvenates them. 
Fatigue — provide more oxygen to cells, thereby boosting energy levels and alleviating tiredness and fatigue 
Poor Eyesight — its high antioxidant content helps improve eyesight.
To find out how you, too, can eliminate your nutritional deficiencies, activate cellular regeneration and healing with Ocean’s Alive concentrated marine phytoplankton send me your problem with the contact form. I will send u all information what is the best way for You. There is nothing to pay, only if u want order this unbelivable Product !

Wenn Sie in Deutschland sitzen benutzen Sie bitte den Translator. Ist zwar nicht 100 % aber man kann es verstehen. 
Denke die Bilder und Videos sagen eh alles. Nur soviel ! Marinephytoplankton kann wirklich ihr Leben aendern !
Einfach das Kontaktformular ausfuellen und ich melde mich !

Formt Proteine
Entfernt überschüssige Giftstoffe aus der Leber
Gesunder Blutzuckerspiegel
Diabetes Typ II
Freie Radikale
Entgiftung der Leber
Gesunde Haut
Gesunde Gelenke
Toxische Lebererkrankung
Langsamer Stoffwechsel